I have never had any grandiose visions of fairy tales or being swept away by romance and gushy feelings. From an early age I've realized those things are fleeting, but what stands the test of time is someone who is a good partner.
That could probably mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To me, it conjures images of encouragement, support, and loyalty. The world is a hard place, and one of the primary blessings of a long-term relationship is having someone to go through it all with- the good and the bad.
Honestly, when I inventory past relationships, I think this is one of my best qualities that I bring to the table. I think that my exes (even those who don't like me much now) would agree that I was a good partner through good and bad, and I place a high priority on having someone who is similarly there for me.
I think there are a few ways to determine if a person has this quality. The first is, of course, the test of time. Observing how he reacts to what life brings and sharing life events with each other. Another is noting the primary relationships in his life- friends, family, co-workers.
How else do you think you could determine a person's potential to be a good partner?
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