A date. I think it's a date. I'd call it a date. It's coffee. With a guy. A guy I met online, but through the Twitters, not a dating site. It came about because he kept flirting with me online. I've never met him (although we have mutual friends). I know he's shy, so finally I just messaged him and suggested we should be real life friends and get coffee sometime. He responded very enthusiastically, so we'll see how it goes.
My little part of the subculture is so terrible at dating. If you were an evangelical Christian hitting adolescence during the "Kiss Dating Goodbye" craze, I am pretty sure you were scarred for life on some level and take dating entirely too seriously.
Luckily for me, this fella is very vettable, so there will be no Catfish-like reveals that it's all a hoax. I am 99.5% sure he is really real, which is higher confidence than I have for some of my own friends. :)
So I'm going in with an open mind... but very tempered expectations. All dates, even those not going anywhere, are good life and communication experience. I'll keep you updated.
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