Let me tell you a little story. A story of a girl and two boys.
The girl liked Nick Nice Guy. In fact, the more she hung out with him, the more she liked him. And he sure did seem to like her. But something was amiss. He wouldn't initiate activities together. He seemed to care more about what she thought of him than how he felt about her. Even though the girl really liked him, this isn't a sustainable relationship model.
Then came along Greg Good Man. The girl didn't feel the same chemistry with Greg that she did with Nick right off the bat, but she was immediately impressed with how he handled himself and her. He was kind and respectful, let her know that he was interested in her, and took charge of progressing the relationship forward.
Now which guy do you think the girl ultimately went out with?
Not much will send me into sheer peevedness as quickly as a man who bemoans that he is the "nice guy that never gets the girl." Here's the honest truth- girls don't want to be with "nice guys."
In what use is the word "nice" a trait you associate with masculinity? I can tell you that I want a man who is strong, brave, kind, and compassionate. But nice? Nice makes me think of weak coffee. Nice is how you describe things that aren't quite bad.
The hard truth is that "nice men" are often PASSIVE MEN.
I can't speak for all women, but I can say that for me, this is such a turn off. In my mind, if a man can't ask you out, then how are they going to react when the actual difficulties of a relationship come along? Men who complain about this are the ones who so often slip into the friendship zone because they are waiting for some bolt to fall from the sky to ignite the relationship. Relationships don't fall out of thin air. They happen because someone took a risk in making themselves vulnerable. As a woman, I am capable of that, but I want to be with a man who wants me enough to take a leap of faith to work for it.
Here's a shocker- I'm the girl in the opening parable. I would like to start a relationship with the Nice Guy, but I'm tired of putting myself out there if he can't match it. But do you know how good it feels to be pursued by a Good Man? Very. And frankly, that is a sign of character I'll take any day.
Good men are hard to find. But if you do find one, don't take him for granted.
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